Workforce Development

91 provides a variety of resources to assist local employers.

Workforce Development

91 is a partner in keeping your businesses and industries competitive by focusing on employee training and professional development while providing access to tomorrow’s workforce.

Workplace Readiness Training

91 Partners

The City of Rochelle wanted to prepare its employees to step into leadership roles following future retirements. They contacted 91 for training, and we created an innovative leadership development program, Rochelle U. We brought instructors on-site, and their employees took one class per semester after the workday. The best part? Rochelle employees who participate in the program earn college credit and can easily continue their studies at 91 to complete an associate degree.

Learn more about 91's employer partnerships on our Employer Services webpage

Contact Us

LaCretia KonanAssociate Vice President of College RelationsP815-825-9791Elkonan1@kish.edu

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